We are sharing with you the Fruits and Vegetables that will Last the Longest in your fridge or pantry! 

I think we can all agree food waste is a sad sight to see!

Especially when eating a plant-based diet you’re consuming fresh produce regularly. Throwing out fruits and vegetables is also not friendly for your wallet either. 

There is a solution to this problem! Knowing which fruits and vegetables will last the longest in your fridge or pantry will help you avoid food waste and keep your fruits and veggies taste fresh and delicious! Opting for fruits and vegetables that have a longer lifespan will save your money and help you reduce the number of visits you need to make to the grocery store. Knowing how to properly store these items and which are compatible with storing in the pantry, fridge or freezer is helpful too! 

Sticking to your healthy diet is essential for maintaining your health and will help your body and immunity stay strong.

Having a variety of fruits and vegetables at your disposal is key to getting all the healthy vitamins and minerals you need on a whole food plant-based diet. Therefore, we thought it is helpful to share the right kind of fruits and vegetables that can last the longest in your pantry or fridge. 

Not only is this helpful information for sticking to a plant-based diet but it is also very useful to know how to store fruits and vegetables to avoid spoiling and excess food waste. Just imagine how beneficial this information will be for you as well as your bank account! 

The following is a full list of fruits and vegetables that will last the longest in your fridge or pantry!

POTATOES – 2-6 months

There are many varieties of potatoes available.  It’s the perfect time to mix it up. Have you ever heard of a “Vitelotte Potato”? Well, most people just call it a purple potato, but it’s bursting with flavour! Potatoes can last 2-3 months in a dry, dark and cool place. Keeping them in a paper bag, or a cardboard box or a large bin will prevent them from going bad. We suggest keeping them in a cupboard or basement if at all possible. You can freeze cooked potatoes and keep them in a storage bag in your freezer for up to 6 months. 

SQUASH – 1-3 months 

Spaghetti, butternut and acorn squash will all last for 1-3 months! Avoiding any squash with cuts, bruises or soft spots will ensure a healthy long-lasting squash. Store your squash in a dark and cold place, just like you would with potatoes! To extend the life of a squash, just make sure where you are storing them that they’re not touching the ground and are in fact raised off the ground or floor. 

APPLES – 2 months

Store your apples in your crisper in your fridge to stay fresh and last longer. Apples are really affordable and can be used in many recipes. We recommend keeping apples fully stocked up at all times of the year. 

CITRUS – 1-2 months

We aren’t just talking about lemons and limes. This includes oranges, grapefruits and pomelo. These citrus fruits can be stored in a mesh bag in the fridge or crisper. Never store your citrus in a plastic bag because they will spoil quickly. Citrus should last a long 1-2 months if you follow these methods. 

CELERY – 2 weeks

When stored properly, celery can last up to 2 weeks in your refrigerator. Tightly wrap your celery in aluminum foil and keep in an airtight container or plastic bag in your refrigerator. To extend the life even longer, chop up your celery into bite-size pieces and store in the freezer for up to 12 months. Frozen celery will work best in cooked food rather than eaten raw. When thawed, add the celery into soups, stews, smoothies and casseroles. 

CARROTS – 3-4 weeks 

When stored correctly, carrots can last up to 4 weeks in a fridge. They are best kept in a plastic or silicone bags. Avoid buying carrots with black or brown spots near the tops or around the green leafy stalk. If carrots are washed and then cooked, you can store them in an airtight container in your freezer for up to 12 months. 

CABBAGE – 4-6 weeks 

In the Plant Ahead Meal Plan Program, we recently came out with a delicious plant-based cabbage roll recipe. We encourage you to get more creative with cabbage because it can be delicious in so many different recipes. We also love eating cabbage soups, salads, and in a vegetable stir fry. To extend the life of your cabbage, don’t wash until it’s ready to use and store it in your fridge wrapped in plastic or wax wrap. Don’t forget to explore the varieties of cabbages available, including bok choy, purple, nappa and of course, the common favourite green cabbage! 

ONION – 2 months

In our opinion, onions make every dish better; they’re packed with juicy flavour and are great as an oil substitute. Avoid purchasing onions with spots, this is a sign they may be going bad soon. Avoid using a plastic bag and opt for a mesh bag storing it in a dark and dry place somewhere in your pantry ideally. You can also store in your fridge in a tightly sealed container, once the onion peels have been removed. If you are noticing your onions are beginning to spoil, chop them up finely and store in the freezer to extend their life. 

GARLIC – 6 months

This is another staple to always have on hand. Do not break the bulb, just take what you need from it, this will extend the life of your individual garlic bulb. To have garlic last longer, store it in an open paper bag or metal mesh bowl. Garlic is handy for flavouring food and is amazing at supporting the immune system. 

ROOT VEGETABLES – 3-6 months

Root vegetables include beets, turnips, rutabagas and parsnips. Store your root vegetables in a cool place that has good airflow in a mesh bowl, cardboard box with holes or wooden rack. Another pro tip is to cut the tops of your root vegetables to ensure they last for an extended period of time.

Looking for whole-food plant-based recipes?

We’ve just released many resources on our blog to support you including a “Pantry Only Recipe Blog Article”. We’ve included 4 delicious recipes that you likely have the ingredients for in your pantry already. Also, we adapted our meal plan program Plant Ahead to be focused on pantry staples as well as being budget-friendly and minimal ingredient based recipes. We stand by a simple principle that eating whole-food plant-based should be easy and straightforward! Our plans have always been accessible for those on a budget or for anyone looking to save time in the kitchen with proper meal prepping! 

You can join the Plant Ahead Meal Prep Program today for only $7.99/month and enjoy a full abundance of healthy whole-food, plant-based, oil-free and refined sugar-free recipes!